SWLA Spring Festival Guide
March 2022
Create your Personal Paradise
March 2022Empty Bowls
A Fundraiser to Fight Hunger & Feed Hope
Salvation Army brings back event founded on soup, soap and salvation
by Haley Armand Tarasiewicz
On Thursday, May 12, 2022, the Salvation Army will host its 12th Empty Bowl at L’Auberge Casino Resort from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Guests will enjoy a wide variety of soups prepared by the chefs at some of Lake Charles’ premier restaurants and will receive a one-of-a-kind bowl handcrafted by local artisans. The evening will also feature the comedy duo, Bean and Bailey.
Honorary co-chairs for this year’s event are Willie Mount and Jean Kamla. “We are excited to be a part of this event that supports the important work the Salvation Army does in our community,” said Mount, former state senator and mayor of Lake Charles.
“We invite you to join us in fighting hunger and homelessness in our local community by becoming a sponsor of this special event,” said. Lieutenant Tim Morrison. “The statistics are more than just numbers. They represent people who have been given the hope of Jesus through your support and generosity.”
Emergency Disaster Relief
Each disaster creates its own unique circumstances and special needs. After the unspeakable, we speak hope.
- Served 171,000 hot meals
- Provided 670 cleanup kits
- Distributed 3,000+ non-perishable food boxes
- Made 5,700 spiritual care contacts
- Opened extreme weather shelter for 79 days
Social Services
Our social service programs meet the basic needs of daily life for those without the resources to do so themselves.
- Served 427 people
- Provided 62 grocery orders
- Assisted in 61 rental payments ranging from $500-$1,000 each
- Assisted in 56 utility payments averaging $150 each
- Distributed:
- 125 clothing items
- 132 personal comfort kits
- 82 grocery gift cards
Entertainment by comedy duo, Bean and Bailey
Summer Camp
Every year, kids age 7-17 travel to Lexington, MS to gain a fresh perspective on life as they meet new friends, discover new activities, and get a taste of the great outdoors. As campers learn to swim, play sports, create music, make art, and scout, their trained counselors help them navigate the complicated emotions and struggles often associated with their lives back home.
- Capacity 100 kids/week
- Cost $250/week
Red Kettle Campaign
Every Christmas, volunteers ring kettle bells to raise funds to provide Christmas services for those in the local community.
- Provided Christmas gifts to 350+ families, including 750+ children and nearly 100 seniors
- Each Angel Tree child received gifts averaging $150
- Each family received $100 grocery gift card
Worship and Ministry
Each Sunday, we hold Sunday School and Worship meetings. On Wednesday evenings, we host an Adult Bible Study followed by Men’s and Women’s ministries. These programs are also open for anyone to join.
“Since 1904, the Salvation Army has been striving to make this community a better place to live, and your support would enable us to continue our mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in His name without discrimination,” said Lieutenant Roslyn Morrison.
If interested in purchasing a sponsorship or ticket(s), please do so online at https://give.salvationarmyalm.org/empty-bowl or by mail. Include “2022 Empty Bowl” somewhere on the check and make payable to:
The Salvation Army
Lake Charles Corps
P.O. Box 17166-7166
Tax ID #58-0660607
Sponsorship and Ticket Information:
$10,000 The General
Includes two reserved VIP tables for eight each, White Glove table service, check presentation photograph in American Press, poster-sized ad in prominent position at event and company recognition as General Sponsor by emcee, event program and media.
$5,000 The Major
Includes one reserved table for eight, check presentation photograph in American Press, poster-sized ad in prominent position at event and company recognition as Major Sponsor in event program and media.
$2,500 The Captain
Includes one reserved table for eight and company recognition as Captain Sponsor in event program and media.
$1,200 The Lieutenant
Includes one reserved table for eight and company recognition as Lieutenant sponsor in event program.
$125 Individual Tickets