Managing Your Investments During Difficult Times
The combination of a pandemic, economic difficulties, political unrest, and natural disasters have all presented their respective challenges. Investors may be wondering what effect these events could have on their investments, which is why it’s helpful for investors to focus on three fundamental actions that could help them work toward meeting their investment goals — know yourself, build a plan, and keep an eye on the long term.
Know yourself
When stocks drop by 20% or more, some investors might ignore the drop, others might feel the urge to sell, while still others might see it as a good time to buy. This range of reactions illustrates different levels of risk tolerance, or how sensitive investors are to market volatility. Risk tolerance varies from one investor to another, and no level of tolerance is considered the “right” level — there’s only the right risk tolerance for each investor. Talking with financial advisors or completing online questionnaires can help investors determine their risk tolerance.
While understanding your risk tolerance is essential, it should not be considered in isolation. Risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon all play a role in setting an investment plan.
Investing more aggressively may yield more rewards but the length of time available for investing also plays a part. A longer time horizon could give investors the potential for compound growth. And setting specific goals can help to determine how much an investor should accumulate to support their goals.
Build a plan
Dwight D. Eisenhower may have said it best: “Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” Even though a plan may need to be modified to adapt to changes, the very process of setting a plan will help investors to discover and focus on their most important investment goals.
For a plan to be useful, it’s important for investors to clearly detail which goals they are trying to achieve. Some of an investor’s goals will be shorter term, such as building a rainy-day fund. Intermediate-term goals might include buying a house or paying for a child’s education. Longer-term goals might include planning for retirement and potentially leaving a legacy for charities or family. Investor assets can then be matched to those various goals. For example, investors might own short-term bonds to meet a near-term expense, and a mixture of stocks and longer-term bonds to meet needs that are further in the future. The investor’s risk tolerance will help determine the mix of more volatile assets — such as stocks — to less volatile assets such as bonds.
Keep an eye on the long term
Once a plan is in place, it’s important to maintain it over the long term. This process includes regularly rebalancing the portfolio if allocations move too far away from targets, a task that in many cases can be automated. Maintenance also includes revisiting plans as investor goals or situations change. A plan is meant to be a living document.
While market drops can be troublesome, unpredictable economic events have presented challenges in the past. With resilience and creativity, America’s businesses and households have managed to overcome them. While there are no guarantees that past performance will repeat itself, history has shown us that investors who reach their goals are often those who stick to their investment plans and take a long-term view of the markets.
This article was written by/for Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Tonya Jones Griffith in Lake Charles, La. at 337-439-9081, located at 2070 Walnut St. Suite 101. Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2019 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved.