Proactive Hurricane Prep
June 2024
Family Works: Johnson Funeral Homes
June 2024by Katelynn Mouton
It is impossible to discuss preservation and adaptive reuse in Lake Charles without mentioning the names Rick and Donna Richard. The Lake Charles High School alumni, whose careers took them away from Lake Charles for some time, eventually found their way home, ready to achieve a goal of leaving their home better than they found it.
Their journey started many years ago and has led the Richards down a path that has taken their love of Lake Charles and each other to a completely new level of making a positive impact on the city.
“Donna and I were long-term residents of Lake Charles when I was fortunate enough to be asked by her to the TWIRP dance at Lake Charles High School,” explains Rick Richard, President of Empire of the Seed Consulting. “I fell in love with her, and though I went away to LSU and she remained at McNeese, she accepted my request to marry me (whew lucky me)! After law school we moved to Washington D.C. to begin a journey that would bring us to a number of jobs around the country.”
The Richards would find much success on their journey around the country and after decades away, answered the call to return home.
“After 30 years away from Lake Charles and after accumulating some wealth, we returned with a renewed interest in, as I say from my Boy Scout experience, ‘to leave our campsite better than we found it,’” says Richard. “Historic preservation became our major interest with Donna serving a lead role in historical organizations.” Their umbrella organization, Empire of the Seed, aims to preserve and regenerate the best of the past, while contributing to a clean, sustainable future.
To date the Richard’s have restored and repurposed the Cash and Carry Building in the Nellie Lutcher Cultural District, the Calcasieu Marine National Bank, and the Noble Building in downtown Lake Charles. As a testament to the city’s rise from the ashes of the Great Fire of 1910, the Richards also built The Phoenix Building at the corner of Ryan and Kirby Streets. “The Phoenix Building is a reflection of our love for downtown Lake Charles,” adds Richard. “It’s where Donna and I both worked at the now gone Pitt Theater.”
The Richards are currently in a bit of what one could call their swan song. Construction is in the early stages on Iris Hall and Birdcage Café on Kirby Street, which Richard says will complete their contribution to the downtown area.
Their love for Southwest Louisiana will be reflected in one of their other final projects, The Chadwater. This 66-acre site south of Lake Charles, located in what Richard describes as a lovely pastoral setting, will commemorate the vision of Chad and Jan Thielen. This project includes an event center as well as the restoration of Cajun Prairie plantings.
“Although this may be the completion of our building vision, there is certainly room for additional add-ons to our programs at our sites,” reflects Richard. “The campfire is still glowing.”
For more information on the Richards’ projects, visit www.empireoftheseed.com.