Holidays Can Bring Hidden Heart Risks
December 2024
What’s Your Sleep Telling You?
December 2024by Kristy Como Armand
The holidays are here! The gifts of the season are many, but the hectic addition of shopping, social events, and family commitments can mean there is little time to exercise.
“Many people struggle to work exercise into their regular schedules, and the pace of the holidays just adds to that challenge,” says Suzy Trahan, LDN, RDN, director of Dynamic Dimensions Fitness Centers of West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital. “Prioritizing health can be difficult as festive celebrations take precedence over workouts, leading to reduced physical activity at a time when you are more likely to overeat at holiday feasts and indulge in seasonal treats.”
Concern about holiday weight gain is common, but research shows the average weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is just one to two pounds. “While this amount might seem small, many people struggle to lose the added weight, leading to gradual long-term weight increases,” explains Trahan. “There’s no reason to let worries about weight gain put a damper on your enjoyment of the season. With balance and a little planning, you can avoid significant weight gain and stay on track for the new year.”
She offers these suggestions for keeping fitness in your holiday mix:
• Schedule your workouts. Mark them on the calendar and consider them as important as other events you schedule. Many fitness centers, including Dynamic Dimensions, offer 24-hour access, so you choose a time that works for your holiday schedule.
• On the days that you really lack motivation or simply do not have time for your complete exercise routine, commit to do just 10 minutes of exercise. Chances are once you start, you’ll actually exercise longer, but even if you don’t, 10 minutes is still much better than none at all.
• Acknowledge that you’re probably going to miss some gym workouts during this time and plan now to work around it. You can add extra physical activity at home. Do simple exercises like running in place during every commercial break while watching TV. If you can’t make it to the gym, walk or run in your neighborhood.
• If you have out-of-town guests visiting, invite them to take a walk with you around the neighborhood or at a nearby park after dinner, or bring them to the gym with you. Dynamic Dimensions offers guest passes for this reason.
• During the holidays, and for days after, shopping center parking lots are packed. Instead of circling around to find the closest space, make your goal to find the farthest parking space you can. Better yet, if you plan to shop at a specific store, park on the other side of the shopping center. When grocery shopping, park far away and use a shopping cart. Once you’ve unpacked the groceries in your car, take the cart back to the store. Every extra step burns extra calories.
• Work in a workout at work. Use your lunch break to take a walk or work in sets of stairs. Bring some hand weights to work and use them while you’re on the phone. All activities add up.
“Don’t be too hard on yourself if you slip up,” says Trahan. “The holidays are meant to be enjoyed. Do your best to add some physical activity to the season, and plan on getting back on your regular fitness program after the celebrations are over.”
For more information about fitness programs and membership at Dynamic Dimensions in Sulphur and Moss Bluff, visit dynamicfitnesscenters.com.