Shacket Fever
November 2021
Don’t Click on that Text! 5 Ways to Avoid Delivery Scams
November 2021by Lakyn Conner
For many men and women, hair is like a natural accessory. You can do so many different things to your hair to complement the look you’re going for. Going shopping? You might straighten it and put it half up half down. Going out or on a date? Curls with some styling is the way to go. Staying inside and cleaning house? Definitely, a messy bun. Change it often to fit with the season, trends, or whenever you want something new and different. What better way to complete your fall outfits than to color your hair to match?
Fall and winter bring on the browns, maroons, and darker color pallets. This is the season when blondes go auburn, and brunettes go darker. Choosing a new hair color can be difficult – there are so many different hues to choose from; but your skin tone can help you decide. The hair color that looks the best on you should complement your skin’s undertones. Warm undertones work best with golden blonde, honey blonde, golden brown, caramel, toffee, or amber colors. These colors bring out the warmth of your skin. If you have cool undertones, chocolate brown, ash/smoky brown, espresso, beige blonde, and champagne blonde go hand in hand with your skin. If you have neutral undertones, lucky you! Any hair color will complement your skin!
Fall and winter colors give a warm, cozy feel to fit the season and the season’s apparel. People also go darker to help their hair become healthy again after lightening it throughout the summer. Darker hair colors radiate with shine, softness, and richness. Plus, fall/winter hair colors make it easier to get your desired hair color rather than going from brunette to blonde. Many cosmetologists suggest going two shades lighter than your goal hair color. This way you can see what it will be like darker, and if you still want it even darker, color it again. If you went straight to the degree of dark you thought you wanted, but it’s too dark for your liking, instead of needing to color it back lighter, you can go darker shade by shade.
Trending fall/winter hair colors:
Crisp Apple Cider
Sangria Burgundy Color Melt
Copper Red Panels with Dark Brown
Chocolate and Chestnut Balayage
Warm Blonde Cappuccino
Caramel and Mocha
Red and Amber Blend
Tips on treating your newly colored hair:
• Use quality shampoo and conditioner (NO sulfates or parabens).
• Use heat protectant when styling.
• Use leave-in treatments and deep conditioning treatments
• Use lukewarm water in shower